About Me

Hello, my name is Alexandra and I am studying to go into commercial art. I enjoy going to school and my favourite kinds of pets are mammals, especially cats and rodents :).



a person drawing on a iPad


Drawing is when you use a tool (commonly a pencil) to illustrate multiple kinds of things that you see in life or in your imagination. This is an old practice that dates back at least since cave paintings. Technically speaking, just about anything you use that's made by a person can be considered "art". There were people behind each object or structure that had to brainstorm a design for it. I like drawing because it allows me to bring out my ideas and characters.


books are a symbol of obtaining knowledge


Learning is about studying things at school or online and storing that knowledge in your mind. I always enjoyed school a lot and I simply just like learning. My favourite things that I like to study on online are religions, mythology, palaeontology, and anthropology.

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