Historical Sites

- Wow! Where do I start? I get to see one of the most famous and outstanding structures in the world; the Great Wall of China! I remember that day being very humid and foggy as you can see in the pictures. I unfortunately never got to the peak of the wall, because it's so long and the steps are huge. You have to really lift your leg up high in order to take a step, so it was a real excercise for me. The place was very crowded, so I tried to stick to my friends as best as possible. There were many beautiful structures to see. One thing I remember my camp counselor telling us, was that the wall actually didn't do a very good job keeping people out. The best it did was slow the horses.
- The other two major sites we went to see were the Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City. The Temple of Heaven was a religious site were people came to pray. We were not allowed in the building, but I was able to take a picture inside. We witnessed a relaxing taichi session infront of the temple. The Forbidden City is a place where the Emperor of China use to live in, according to my counsellors. It's kind of breathtaking that a place that only permitted royalty was now open for the general population to see.

Museum Trip
- We also went on a trip to the national museum of China! There were a lot of things packed in there, so I didn't have the time to digest every single item that was on display. They had things ranging from statues, to tablet inscriptions, to clothing. Please take a look at all the images I captured below: